NTLBA Scholarship
The North Texas Longhorn Breeder’s Association
scholarship was established in 2011. It began as the
brainchild of the Wise County Youth Project
participants. This group worked together to self-
fund and obtain sponsors for the NTLBA Holiday
Longhorn Extravaganza Show, which is held
annually in December. It was determined that 75%
of the show’s profits would be available to award
A maximum of $1200.00 per applicant will be awarded.
The criteria include:
Graduating High School Seniors, who have been members of the North Texas Longhorn Breeders Association during their Junior and Senior years. This membership would be either a Family membership or a Youth membership. Memberships run from July 1 to June 30.
The applicant must participate in both the NTLBA Spring Show and the Holiday Extravaganza Show for two consecutive years (At least 3 of the 4 events).
Applications will be reviewed independently by a designated committee. Any discrepancies will be addressed on an individual basis.
The recipients will be entitled to use their awards for tuition or books at the college, university, or vocational trade school of their choice, provided they are enrolled no later than the fall semester following their high school graduation.
Application must be postmarked no later than February 1st of the graduating year.
Complete your application electronically here
Then you can email your completed application to:
Kevin Rooker krooker61@gmail.com
Please remember to attach all of the relevant documents (letters, transcripts, etc)
Or you can print and mail you application to:
NTLBA Scholarship Committee
Attn: Kevin Rooker
7191 FM 920
Poolville, TX 76487
Please remember to include all of the relevant documents (letters, transcripts, etc)
Letters will be awarded at the NTLBA Spring Show.
Awards will be mailed to the institute of learning listed on the application on behalf of the student.